MPA’s Future Visions

Here at RIZZO we are honoured to have been invited by the Malta Producers’ Association to be present and speak at the their Future Visions training programme.

This is a 5-day week of events for creatives and industry professionals working in and around the audiovisual industry, consisting of training sessions and talks with high-profile international guests including famed story consultant John York (former head of Drama at the BBC and Channel4).

The conference will cover story structure and development; legal requirements for co-productions and intellectual property; Creative Europe applications; and will open up a discussion on how audio-visual productions from small nations can be distributed and exhibited internationally.

Jeanine Rizzo will be present at WORKSHOP #2: Audiovisual Law: From Development to Distribution

This talk, which will be led by Avv. Annalisa Putorti, will outline the legal tools in the realisation of audiovisual projects. It will provide participants with information on the chain of rights, copyright and related authors’ contracts (including options and assignment of rights), required during the development phase of a production. It will then move onto pre-production and production legal necessities, provide an overview on co-production and co-participation agreements, funds, clearance and releases, insurances (particularly E&O), as well as fair use principles. Finally, it will discuss the foundations of distribution and international sales agreements concomitant with the exploitation phase of a project.

Having always been a big supporter of Malta’s film industry, Jeanine is happy to be attending this event and to be discussing IP and other film industry legal issues in such good company.

For more information and to book a place please hop over to the MPA’s site:


Festschrift in honour of Mr Joseph Schiro`


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